Vaughn Murphy is an international world leader in peak performance consulting and personal empowerment. He has helped many of the world's top CEOs, athletes, professionals, actors and world leaders reach their full potential.
Vaughn has a special gift of transferring his applicable wisdom to people from all walks of life. Vaughn Murphy is not just a human being; he is a way of life.
The story of Vaughn Murphy is the story of the American dream. After a couple tough years paying his dues as a high school guidance counsellor, Vaughn now teaches his powerful techniques to small and large groups in a way that anyone can understand and quickly begin to apply. What Vaughn provides is Peak Performance Consultation (PPC). His rigorous consultation allows you to be at your best at all times. To Vaughn, anything less is unacceptable.
Vaughn Murphy is not just a human being; he is a way of life. Vaughn is an unstoppable ball of energy ready to be unleashed inside of you! He is what Jesus Christ was to the Christians of yesteryear. He is the fire energy that burns within each of us. Allow Vaughn to reach inside you and release this potent power. Using his brand new updated success program, Vaughn Venom Released (VVR) part of the instant success DVD collection Live With Passion!, Vaughn will walk you through the steps you need to become a champ just like him.
One of America's most successful motivational speakers, Vaughn Murphy did not find success easily. He has defied all odds to get where he is today. In high school Vaughn was often the victim of class pranks and bullying. By way of example, on his tenth birthday, all his classmates got together and collected eight milk crates filled with milk and proceeded to empty it all onto an unsuspecting Vaughn. After this traumatic event, Vaughn also developed a phobia of milk and all white liquids.
Vaughn spent much of his youth, especially middle school and high school by himself. Vaughn spent these solitary years studying philosophy and psychology, and planned to become a guidance counsellor to help kids like him who were misunderstood, mistreated and never taken seriously by their peers. Using the techniques he taught himself, he went from being a janitor at an elementary school and part time social work student to one of the most influential people of the entire millennium.
Vaughn recieved his life trainning at Trinity College in the field of Spiritual and Emotional Counselling. Since graduating with his Masteers degree, Vaughn now speaks to individuals, corporations, and organizations of all types who need a dose of his self-actualizing life-juice.
During his studies at Trinity, Vaughn attained the level of Grand Master in peak performance consulting. This is the highest possible honour that can be bestowed upon a consultant by the International Peak Performance Guild. (Only 3% of peak performance consultants worldwide ever achieve the Grand Master distinction.) Vaughn is also a twelfth degree black belt in Karate, and is a certified personal trainer. He has coached martial arts masters and action heroes such as Michael Didikoff, Chuck Norris, and Billy Blanks.
Vaughn knows the merits of spiritual enlightenment from first-hand experience. He studied eastern religion and philosophy during his extensive travels through Asia. He has gained valuable expertise in the arts of throat chanting and transcendental meditation. He is known throughout Tibet as "White Buddha of America".
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